luni, 31 octombrie 2022



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Elderberry Confirmed as Immunity Booster

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

elderberries confirmed as immunity booster


Research found compounds in black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) could directly inhibit viral entry into cells and subsequent replication, in part attributed to the anthocyanidin responsible for the vivid purple coloring of the fruit

Flu is caused by the influenza virus, triggering fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches and fatigue lasting five to seven days; you may be infectious up to 24 hours before your first symptom

Flu vaccines are produced before the first seasonal outbreak, so manufacturers can only estimate which viruses to include in the vaccine; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu vaccine has been less than 50% effective more than half the time in the past 14 years

Elderberries are high in phytonutrients but must be cooked thoroughly before use as they contain a poisonous cyanide-producing chemical. In addition to elderberry, using quercetin during a viral illness may reduce the length of your illness

Elderberries have been used for hundreds of years for their health benefits. Many believe the high number of antioxidants in the berries contribute to its ability to fight the flu, support the immune system and relieve colds. Elderberries are the fruit of the Sambucus tree, the most common of which is Sambucus nigra.1

 The plant, also known as black elderberry, European elderberry and European elder, has documented origins dating as far back as 2000 B.C. in Switzerland, where there is evidence that the ancient Swiss cultivated it. However, since it's also believed to be native to North America, historians speculate that it's possible its seeds were spread by the retreating Ice Age more than 10,000 years ago.2

Recipes using elderberries for medicinal purposes have been recorded dating back to ancient Egypt, where they were used as a skin and burn potion.3 Historians generally credit Hippocrates as the first physician to use it, who described the elderberry as his "medicine chest."4

Herbal products and folk medicines have been used for centuries to combat a range of ailments, sometimes to the embarrassment of modern scientists. A chemical and biomolecular engineering research team from the University of Sydney focused a new study5 on the phytochemicals and compounds found in elderberries that may positively affect health.

Elderberry Extract May Minimize Flu Symptoms

Although there are several different types of elderberry plants, the most commonly known and studied is the Sambucus nigra. Supplements are available as syrup, gummies, lozenges, pills and tea, and were believed to work by supplying antioxidants and supporting the natural immune support response.6

In the current study,7 researchers found compounds in the elderberry could directly inhibit the flu virus's entrance into cells and subsequent replication. Flu-fighting properties had been observed in previous studies, but this group examined the actual mechanism the phytochemicals used to combat the influenza infection.

The researchers used commercially cultivated elderberries, which were used for elderberry juice serum. They applied this to cells before, during and after they had infected them with the influenza virus. As expected, the juice was effective at stopping the virus from infecting the cells.8

However, they were surprised to find the juice also effectively inhibited replication after the cells had been infected with the virus. The authors found this significant since blocking the virus at several stages increases the potential it may inhibit infection. Study author Fariba Dehghani, Ph.D., commented:9

"In addition to that, we identified that the elderberry solution also stimulated the cells to release certain cytokines, which are chemical messengers that the immune system uses for communication between different cell types to coordinate a more efficient response against the invading pathogen."

The team also discovered the antiviral activity was in part attributed to the anthocyanidin compounds, phytonutrients responsible for the vivid purple coloring in the fruit. The study supported the results of a previous study10 in which adults suffering from flu-like symptoms who took elderberry syrup had their illnesses clear on average four days sooner than those who took a placebo syrup.

Another study11 tested the effectiveness of an elderberry product on 312 overseas air travelers. The researchers found there was not a statistically significant difference in the number who acquired a cold, but those taking the syrup had a shorter duration and less severe cold symptoms than the control group.

Key Facts About the Flu

Influenza, commonly called flu, is a contagious respiratory illness that may cause mild to severe symptoms. Although some of the symptoms are similar, flu is different from a cold caused by a separate set of viruses. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),12 flu symptoms may occur rapidly and include:

Fever or feeling feverish and experiencing chills

Muscle or body aches


Sore throat


Runny or stuffy nose


Some may experience vomiting and diarrhea, although this is more common in children than adults. Most think of flu season occurring between October and May when millions across the U.S. contract the virus.13 However, while this is the most common time, the virus may spread at any time during the year.

Wintertime flu is more common as the virus lives longer indoors during the winter months when the air is less humid than it is outside. During the winter, we also tend to spend more time indoors and have closer contact with others, making it easier for the virus to spread.14

The virus spreads through the air after an individual who is infected sneezes, coughs or speaks. Sometimes it may be passed through an object that's been touched or coughed on. An individual may touch the contaminated item and then touch their nose or mouth, at which time the virus enters their system.

 Those carrying the virus may be contagious 24 hours before their symptoms first appear and up to seven days after they experience their first symptoms. This means it's possible to pass the flu virus on even before you know you're sick. Symptoms of flu usually last from five to seven days.15

While there are more than 100 different viruses known to trigger cold symptoms, there are only four influenza viruses.16,17 Scientists have named them Types A, B, C and D.

Type A flu viruses may be found in different animals as well as humans, including ducks, chickens, horses, pigs and seals.18 Type B viruses only affect people. Type C viruses cause mild respiratory symptoms while Type A and B are responsible for seasonal outbreaks. Type D is associated with cattle and so far has not been known to infect humans.19

The Flu Vaccine Will Always Struggle To Be Effective

Each year the influenza virus changes slightly, which the CDC describes as drift or shift.20 In some years, this means flu symptoms may be mild as your body was exposed to a similar virus and has produced antibodies to fight the infection. Approximately every 10 years to 40 years the virus undergoes a major change and more people get severe symptoms and a pandemic may arise.21

Vaccines are produced before flu season begins, so scientists must resort to an educated guess as to how the virus may have changed from the year before to adjust their vaccine for the current year.

According to the CDC, three production technologies have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including egg-based vaccines, cell-based vaccines and recombinant vaccines.22

Each is made by manufacturers in the private sector. Over the last 14 seasons, CDC data show the vaccine is less than 50% effective more than half the time.23 As just one example, the CDC estimated the overall effectiveness for the 2017 flu vaccine was a modest 38%.

Steer Clear of Drugs to Treat the Flu

Should you or your child be infected with the influenza virus, your doctor or pediatrician may recommend Tamiflu.24 However, it's important to note this antiviral drug shortens flu symptoms by less than 17 hours,25 does not reduce viral spread, and does not lessen your risk of complications such as pneumonia.26

A review of the literature by the Cochrane group also warns that the health risks associated with Tamiflu could far outweigh the benefits.27 Many pharmaceutical drugs come with side effects, and Tamiflu is not exempt. Risks may include seizures, brain infections, psychosis and other neuropsychiatric problems.

A 2015 study28 reported how a 22-year-old man experienced auditory hallucinations, memory deterioration, mood swings, suicidal feelings and insomnia after taking the drug. An ABC News story29 described how a 6-year-old girl started hallucinating and attempted to jump out a second-story window after taking Tamiflu.

Another study30 found more than half of all children suffered side effects from Tamiflu. A journalist in the Atlantic noted,31 "The only people helped by the proven-to-be-ineffective drug are its manufacturers." A 2013 Forbes32 article spelled out several flaws in the science behind Tamiflu, and how the benefits were overstated.

 Despite this overwhelming evidence, the CDC still recommends flu vaccines and antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and continues to claim the drugs may prevent serious complications,33although the evidence clearly shows these antivirals do no such thing. The take-home message is to do your homework and not blindly follow public health recommendations.

 More Benefits to Using Elderberry

While researchers found elderberry products could reduce cold and flu symptoms without the side effects associated with the flu shot or antiviral medications, the berries may also have additional benefits. If you choose to pick your own elderberries, they may be used to make juice, wine, extracts, syrups and jams.34

When picking, seek out blue, dark purple or black fruit as only these varieties may be eaten.35 It is crucial that they are completely ripened and you cook them thoroughly before ingesting since the raw berries are poisonous, containing a cyanide-producing chemical.36In addition to the flu fighting benefits, elderberries may also:

Promote detoxification37

Reduce cardiovascular disease38

Promote wound healing39

Soften skin and treat acne40

Soothe sunburns41

Promote the healing of sprains and bruises42

Naturally Support Your Immune System

Your immune system is your first line of defense against infections, so the most effective method of preventing illness is support your immune system. Your diet and other lifestyle factors are foundational to immune function. Nutrition may be the most vital component in maintaining — or gaining — a healthy immune system.

The addition of elderberry and taking quercetin during a viral illness may help reduce the length of your illness. Research from Appalachian State University in North Carolina found quercetin could reduce illness and boost mental performance after extreme physical stress.43

Successfully running the gauntlet of flu season may be simply a matter of keeping your immune system boosted by applying a few key health strategies. Aside from school and work, other points at which your immune system might be compromised include during travel, and when you are sleep deprived or stressed out.

 Sources and References

1 Medical News Today, October 9, 2018

2 The Herb Society of America, 2013

3 Journal of Dietary Supplements January 2014

4 BMC Complement Altern Med 2011; 11: 16

5, 7 Journal of Functional Food, 2019;54:353

6 Discover. What Is Elderberry Good For? May 2, 2022

8, 9 Science Daily, April 23, 2019

10 Journal of International Medical Research, 2004;32(2):132

11 Nutrients, 2016;8(4):182

12 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Key Facts About Influenza

13 Kids Health, Flu Facts

14 CDC. How Flu Spreads

15 Harvard Health Publishing, How Long Does the Flu Last?

16, 19 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Types of Influenza Viruses September 27, 2017

17 Stat Pearls, Influenza February 18, 2019

18 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Transmission … Between Animals and People, February 10, 2015

20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, How the Flu Virus Changes

21 CDC Pink Book May 16, 2018

22 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, How Influenza Vaccines are Made

23 CDC, February 15, 2018. Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, 2005-2018

24 Mayo Clinic, Influenza (Flu) April 11, 2019

25, 26 BMJ 2014;348:g2545

27 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD008965

28 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, 2015; 13(2): 209–211

29 ABC News, January 16, 2018

30 Eurosurveillance July 2009; 14(30)

31 The Atlantic February 19, 2013

32 Forbes, January 8, 2013

33 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventive Steps

34 Utah State University Extension, Elderberry in the Garden

35 The Spruce, January 9, 2019

36 Molecules. 2021 Mar; 26(5): 1384

37 The Alchemists Kitchen, Elderberry: Queen of Herbs

38 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017;18(3):584

39 Cure Joy, September 21, 2017

40 American Nutrition Association, August 6, 2017

41 Lily Farm Fresh Skin Care, Elderberry, A Medicinal Plant

42 Medscape, Elderberry

43 Ther Adv Psychopharmacol. 2012 Aug; 2(4): 131–138

From comments section:

Elderberry extracts prevented GSH depletion, ROS production, and DNA fragmentation Bioactivity tests revealed that elderberry juice was an extremely potent agent in the NO free radical scavenging process (53.06 g TE per L of juice), while in reducing excessive enzyme activity, the The best result was achieved in the inhibition of the enzyme tyrosinase (54.70 mg KAE per g of juice).  (2015)  (2007)  (2020)  (2021)  (2022)  (2022)  (2022).

Immunodaat, a proprietary botanical extract, contains standardized elderberry extract (Sambucus Nigra L.). Elderberry is used as an immunity enhancer for the prevention and treatment of various respiratory diseases and as an antioxidant. A prospective, multicenter, randomized, comparative, open-label clinical study was conducted in 74 subjects who recovered from post-COVID-19 symptoms of mild to moderate COVID-19 in the past.

The study concludes that the use of Immunodaat for 30 days helped normalize physical and mental symptoms that occurred due to Post COVID and prolonged COVID. Immunodaat can be considered as a safe and effective natural ingredient in the management of Post COVID-19 or prolonged COVID condition.  (2022)

3 recommendations to rescue patients from COVID-19 infection 1) People who have been exposed to nicotine prior to their exposure to the virus are "set" to be at increased risk because nicotine can directly affect the virus's putative receptor (ACE2) and lead to detrimental signaling. in the epithelial cells of the lung. Furthermore, several cytokines, including IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-, which are induced by smoking, could trigger a "cytokine storm" in COVID-19. (2020) 2) Mouth spray as recommended by Dr. Mercola.

Blocking virus entry is a potential therapeutic target, direct virus clearance in the throat by betadine oral or nasal spray could be more effective than angiotensin receptor 2 (AR2) receptor downregulation 3) The use of elderberry supplements may be effective in an early course of the disease. Although not tested in coronavirus, elderberry supplements were shown to be effective in cold and influenza by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study and meta-analysis. Currently, since elderberry supplements can be purchased by anyone without a prescription as an over-the-counter medication, if it does not cause any significant harm, there is no reason not to use it and it can be applied early in the course of the disease.

Although there have been some reports of some cytokines being increased by elderberry supplements, elderberry supplements also have various types of other effects. In addition, we should also refer to the evidence-based systematic review of elderberry and elderflower by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration, which could be applied to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

At this point, we should be able to guide the use of these elderberry supplements to the general population or patients with COVID-19 as follows: “Elderberry supplements can be used in people with COVID-19 in an early course of the disease , if understanding the previous efficacy of these and the possible adverse effects”.  (2021) the-Natural-Standard-Research-Collaboration.pdf --- ELDERBERRIES AS A POTENTIAL SUPPLEMENT TO IMPROVE VASCULAR FUNCTION IN A SARS-COV-2 ENVIRONMENT According to the literature, anthocyanins, a major subgroup of flavonoid polyphenols found in berries, have been well-investigated for their vascular-protective properties, as well as the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related deaths.

Elderberries have previously been used as a natural remedy for the treatment of colds, flu, and consequently cardiovascular health due to a high content of cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), one of the main anthocyanins found in the human diet. The literature reported many studies showing that EE has both antiviral and vascular protective properties that need to be further investigated as a nutritional component used against the indirect effect of SARS-CoV-2 on vascular function.  (2022)




sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2022

Stop bone loss by eating this fruit!

by Steve Kroening, ND - October 12, 2022

Did you know that you can stop bone loss by eating a fruit every day? This fruit is more effective than eating dairy products and dark green vegetables.

Yep, it’s true.  Eating this fruit can help prevent bone loss.  And believe it or not, it can even reverse severe bone loss! In fact, several studies prove it.

In the first study, researchers looked at women who were all showing signs of severe bone loss. At the start of the study, the researchers measured the participants’ bone mineral density in the hip, lumbar spine, and forearm. They also looked for specific bone health indicators in their blood.

Then the researchers gave the women a serving of prunes per day. And they did the same tests again after 3 and 6 months.

The researchers found that all of the participants who ate prunes had their bone density increase. That’s 100% effectiveness!

What’s more, all of them also had decreases in a blood marker for bone resorption. That means their bones weren’t breaking down as fast.

Other Studies Confirm These Results

Another study compared prunes to figs, dates, strawberries, and raisins. In this study, researchers divided women into various groups and had them eat extra servings of one fruit per day for a year.

After one year, there was a considerably greater increase in bone density of the women who ate the prunes. They found that the prunes were highly effective at slowing the breakdown of bone.

In fact, while many of the fruits were beneficial, the researchers said prunes are by far “the most effective fruit in both preventing and reversing bone loss.”

A third study, a review of 24 studies, found similar results across the board. In other words, the studies were repeated over and over again – and each study confirmed the results.

It’s the Calcium, Right?

You might assume that in order for prunes to be so effective, they must have calcium in them. After all, your bones need calcium to be healthy.

But prunes don’t contain any calcium! This is important. Here’s why:

If you ask any doctor what you should eat to promote bone health, very few of them will say prunes. Most of them will say dairy products and dark green vegetables that contain calcium. While there are health benefits to eating these foods, bone health isn’t at the top of the list.

In fact, the dairy and bone health link is a pervasive myth! One large-scale Harvard study followed 72,000 women for two decades. The researchers found no evidence that drinking milk can prevent bone fractures or osteoporosis.

Another study looked at the amount of milk 96,000 men drank as teenagers. The researchers found that the more milk they consumed in their teen years, the more bone fractures they experienced as adults.

And yet another study found that adolescent girls who consumed the most calcium, mostly in the form of dairy products, were at greater risk for stress fractures than those consuming less calcium.

What about vegetables? Well, one study looked specifically at the ability of vegetables to build bones. They “found no significant association between vegetable intake and bone mineral density.”

So don’t depend on dairy products and vegetables for your bone health. And don’t take too much calcium in supplement form. Most people don’t need to take more than 500 mg daily for healthy bones. Taking more than that can lead to excess calcium getting into your arteries and causing calcification.

Why Are Prunes So Effective?

While prunes don’t contain calcium, they do contain a lot of other nutrients that are great for your bones. These include potassium, magnesium, boron, copper, and iron, as well as vitamins A and K. These nutrients are all known for helping prevent the loss of bone mass.

Plus, prunes contain chlorogenic acid and other antioxidants that may help shield bones from oxidative damage.

So how many prunes should you eat? Based on the results of these studies, eating just 5 or 6 prunes a day (which is one serving) is enough to get all their bone-saving benefits. But if you have severe bone loss, you can eat up to 10 prunes a day.

Some people, like me, like to eat prunes right out of the bag. Others soak the prunes overnight in half a cup of water and eat them on an empty stomach the next morning. Then they drink the remaining water to get all the nutrients.

But if the idea of eating prunes doesn’t sound appetizing to you, you can mix them with other ripe fruits or vegetables. And you can incorporate them into breads or cakes; their sweet juiciness will help replace some of the sugar in your favorite recipes.

I’ve heard from several women who have reversed their bone loss by eating prunes, taking a bone supplement, and exercising regularly. They all tell me this formula works better than anything their doctor gave them.






sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2022

Vegetarian collagen

Sursa internet: 

Vegetarian collagen — is that really a thing? It seems like a paradox when you consider that food sources high in collagen come from animals, and collagen supplements are made from the bones, connective tissues, and skin of animals.

That said, vegetable-sourced collagen supplements exist and they contain nutrients that support collagen synthesis in the body, rather than provide a direct source of collagen. In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know about collagen and bone health, including how to get collagen from a vegetarian diet and a list of 44 vegetarian sources of collagen.

What Is Collagen and Why Is it Essential for Bone Health?

Your body contains connective tissues, which are exactly what they sound like: tissues that connect things. Fascia tissue, dermis (the bottom layer of your skin), muscles, tendons, cartilage, and the tissue surrounding your hair and nails are just a few examples.

Collagen in younger skin versus older skin

There are 28 different types of collagen, but the following four types make up 90% of the collagen in the human body2:

Type I: found in your connective tissue

Type II: found in joints and the disks in your spine

Type III: found in your skin and blood vessels

Type IV: found in your kidney, inner ear, and eye lens

Fortunately, our bodies are well-designed, and make their own collagen when consistently given the right nutrients.

Collagen, like all proteins, is made up of building blocks called amino acids, which are properly structured with the help of vitamin C. Think of amino acids like Lego pieces and vitamin C like your brilliant grandchild who can build the entire castle set with only one glance at the instructions. For this reason, it’s very important to get enough vitamin C. Now, before we get into the specifics of collagen and how it impacts bone health, it’s important to know that collagen is good for more than just our bones.

5 Health Benefits of Collagen

While collagen is most frequently mentioned in the beauty industry, its benefits go much deeper than just our skin.

Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nail Support

There is no shortage of products and procedures claiming to be the magic elixir for glowing, youthful skin, luxurious hair, and long, strong nails. Collagen showed promise in one study for improving skin elasticity in elderly women3. In others, collagen may play a role in hair growth4 and in improving the rate of skin wound healing5.

Digestive Support

Stress of all kinds paired with unhealthy gut microflora can cause your digestive system to become chronically inflamed. One observational study showed that people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) have decreased blood serum concentrations of collagen6. Supplementation of collagen and consumption of collagen from foods may help soothe, seal, and repair a damaged intestinal tract.

 Cardiovascular Health Benefits

The production of collagen requires vitamin C and the amino acids proline and lysine. However, so does the production of arterial plaque! If the body is using vitamin C, proline, and lysine to make collagen in the body, it decreases the amount available to create plaque. In this way, supporting healthy collagen production helps support cardiovascular health7.

Collagen also gives blood vessels their elasticity; a decrease in collagen could lead to hardening of the arteries.

Collagen Boosts Metabolism

Collagen is essentially the glue that holds our tissues together. More collagen in our tissues creates a healthier structure for the tissue itself; it may also increase muscle mass. Muscle (especially skeletal muscle) burns more calories than any other tissue in the body. An increase in muscle mass increases the rate of metabolism8 to support the tissue.

Collagen Supports and Improves Joint Health

Collagen is beneficial for joints because it concentrates where they meet and where the connective tissue binds together. Oral supplementation of collagen has been found to be absorbed in the intestinal tract and incorporated into cartilage tissue in the joints. In a small study focusing on individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, collagen supplementation was found to significantly reduce swelling and pain in joints9. In fact, four of the 60 participants experienced remission of their condition during the three-month study.


Collagen and Bone Health

Your bones are made of protein and minerals, and 90% of bone matrix proteins are made of collagen. In fact, the combination of calcium and collagen is responsible for giving our bones strength and flexibility. Both collagen and calcium are responsible for the strength of your bones. And besides the obvious strength of your bones, there’s another way your bones are strong: they’re flexible. Being flexible allows the bone to bend instead of break in many instances, and to absorb an impact rather than fracture. That flexibility is thanks to collagen!

Eating foods high in lysine and arginine will help spur on collagen production. So getting both of these amino acids from your diet is a good start. Technically there is no official recommended dosage specifically for lysine or arginine, but research suggests older adults may need to consume around 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.  Read more: Learn about protein intake and how to calculate your specific needs in Everything You Need to Know About Protein and Bone Health. Lysine and arginine supplements exist, but we suggest organic whole food sources first. Your body will absorb these better, and you’ll get a whole bunch of other nutrients too So, what nutrients do our bodies need to produce proper amounts of collagen? And how can we get enough of those nutrients on a vegetarian diet?

 Low collagen bone versus high collagen bone

Vegetarian Food Sources That Increase Collagen Production

First things first: Is there such a thing as vegetarian collagen? The answer is no. All collagen comes from living organisms. However, even if you don’t eat meat or animal products, you can still increase your collagen levels by eating fruits and vegetables plentiful in collagen-boosting nutrients. These nutrients support your body’s natural production of collagen. Collagen is abundant in the body and acts as the vital glue holding our bodies together. With such a vital function, the body prioritizes collagen production. Although collagen production slows as we age, it never stops. So if you supply your body with the proper nutrition to make healthy collagen, the age-related decline may not be as notable or severe.

9 Nutrients That Support Collagen Production

1.Proline and hydroxyproline are amino acids that make up 23% of collagen, and have been found to be precursors to sustaining collagen production. They play a key role in the stability of collagen11.

Vegetarian proline sources: asparagus, beans, buckwheat, cabbage, chives, cucumbers, garbanzo beans, peanuts, soy, and watercress.

2.Vitamin C adds oxygen and hydrogen to amino acids so that they can do their part in collagen production. If you don’t get enough vitamin C, your collagen production will slow.

Vegetarian vitamin C sources: many fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, citrus fruits, kale, kiwi, mango, papaya, peppers, pineapple, and strawberries.

3.Anthocyanin These antioxidants suppress inflammation13 and stabilize collagen (in rat studies) by preventing free radical damage and inhibiting enzymes from clinging to collagen.

Vegetarian anthocyanin sources: blackberries, blueberries, cherries, and raspberries.

4..Copper increases the production or utilization of collagen and elastin; it also helps facilitate the fibril structure of these collagens.

Vegetarian copper sources: sunflower seeds, lentils, almonds, apricots, dark chocolate, mushrooms, greens, and blackstrap molasses.

5.Lysine: Used in making collagen and protecting it from enzymatic breakdown, lysine also increases intestinal calcium absorption15.

Vegetarian lysine sources: eggs, dairy products (particularly parmesan cheese), tofu, brewer’s yeast, and spirulina.

6.(L-)Arginine: Research suggests that arginine stimulates insulin-like-growth factor-l16(IGF-1) production and collagen synthesis in osteoblast-like cells. Basically, arginine makes the cells responsible for making new bone (osteoblasts) more active.

Vegetarian arginine sources: eggs, sesame seeds, spirulina, coconut meat, cultured yogurt, kefir, and raw cheeses.

7.Vitamin A: helps stimulate the production of collagen17 and is only found in animal-derived foods (in its complete, active form called retinol). Fruits and veggies are high in phytonutrients called carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), which the body must then convert to vitamin A.

Vegetarian sources that are high in beta-carotene, which your body must then convert to vitamin A to use: apricots, broccoli, carrots, kale, squash, and sweet potatoes.

8.Manganese increases production of collagen and elastin by increasing the enzyme responsible for proline formation, especially when healing wounds.

Vegetarian sources of manganese: leafy vegetables, nuts, pineapple, seaweed and other sea vegetables, and whole grains.

 9.Zinc  is a cofactor in collagen production, meaning it activates the proteins responsible for making collagen. The richest source of zinc is oysters, but other zinc-rich foods are meat, poultry, fish and dairy products.

Vegetarian zinc sources: seeds, nuts, and beans.