duminică, 26 august 2018
Logistica este managemetul (gestionarea) fluxului de mărfuri între punctul de origine și punctul de destinație, în scopul de a satisface cerințele clienților sau a corporațiilor. Aceasta se ocupă de-a lungul producției și desfacerii (furnizării) cu organizarea, reglarea, prezentarea (punerea la dispoziție), și optimizarea proceselor de trafic de informații, de mijloace financiare, de energie, de bunuri și de personal. „Logistica înseamnă să ai obiectul potrivit, la locul potrivit, în momentul potrivit” Logistics World. Procesul care asigură un flux coerent și neîntrerupt al produselor și serviciilor de la furnizorii organizației, ținând cont de procesele din interiorul organizației, până la clienții finali. Procesul de logistică se ocupă de operațiuni și resurse din domeniile: - aprovizionare; - achiziții; - stocuri; - depozite; - transport; - servicii clienți; etc.
Mai concret, logistica se definește prin planificare integrată, organizare, impozitare și control a tuturor cursurilor de mărfuri și materiale împreună cu cursurile de informații legate de acestea începând de la livratori prin etapele creării de valori (ex. producție și/sau etape de distribuție) până la livrarea produselor către clienți, inclusiv a eliminării deșeurilor și a reciclării.
O definiție posibilă a noțiunii de logistică este aplicarea celor 6 P: Cantitatea potrivită a bunurilor potrivite, la timpul potrivit, de calitate potrivită, la costurile potrivite, la locul potrivit. Des mai apare si al 7-lea P cu informațiile potrivite tuturor participanților. În special în producția "just in time" prelucrarea de informații joacă un rol foarte important.
miercuri, 22 august 2018
vineri, 17 august 2018
joi, 16 august 2018
marți, 14 august 2018
duminică, 12 august 2018
Socul american
Elderberry – The most
antiviral fruit known to man
When most people contract a
cold or flu, they head to their doctor or the local drug store to pick up some
type of drug they believe will alleviate their symptoms. With a cold, flu or
any other virus, drugs only have the ability to mask or treat symptoms, but
they cannot eliminate the virus itself. Only the immune system can do that.
Viruses, which are very small infectious agents that replicate inside the body,
only cause illness in the first place if the immune system fails to do its job.
The immune system is
constantly keeping threats at bay. Most people don’t realize that their body is
very frequently hosting viruses, which don’t result in illnesses. This is
because the immune system is able to neutralize these viruses before they can
replicate to the point where they start causing symptoms. Thus, the most
effective way to avoid illnesses caused by viruses, or any other infectious
agent for that matter, is to maintain a strong immune system.
When the immune system fails,
use elderberries
For those times when the
immune system has failed to do its job, there is one natural remedy that has
proven to be among the most effective for battling viruses. There are many
natural remedies, foods and other techniques that can enhance immune function,
but in the case of battling common viruses specifically, elderberry posses an
especially high rate of efficacy. Elderberries, which happen to be a very
powerful antioxidant, have been used for centuries in folk medicine (as well as
today, in other countries around the world) to treat colds, influenza, wounds
(when applied topically) and have even shown to be effective against the herpes
simplex virus.
A 2001 study published in the
U.S. National Library of Medicine stated that elderberry extracts are “natural
remedies with antiviral properties, especially against different strains of
influenza virus.” Another 2004 study published in the NLM commented on reduced
duration of flu symptoms when using elderberry: “Symptoms were relieved on
average four days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less
in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo.” University of
Maryland Medial Center writes “Elderberry may have anti-inflammatory,
antiviral, and anticancer properties” and “one study suggested that elderberry
could kill the H1N1 virus.”
Why exactly are elderberries
so effective?
It is hypothesized that black
elderberries may include a specific compound, which coats viruses and keeps
them from penetrating and infecting healthy cells. The truth is science cannot
always pinpoint the exact reason mother nature’s cures work as well as they do.
There are unknown molecules in nature which work in mysterious ways with the
The human body and its
mysterious abilities to heal and overcome sicknesses cannot always be
identified or quantified by science. The body and mind are amazingly complex
and that complexity works especially well with nature in its unaltered form.
So, the next time you have a cold or flu, instead of running to the drugstore,
create your own black elderberry elixir and you’ll be better in no time.
vineri, 10 august 2018
joi, 9 august 2018
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